Strategic Languages Initiative

From Bible Translation to Translation Capacity


The world’s languages are interconnected through patterns of multilingualism. Overlapping “Strategic Languages” connect otherwise unrelated languages through their various uses in governance, trade, or education. Studying the nature and viability of these connections allows for a new paradigm of Bible Translation, where translation capacity is transferred into the lingual communities of Strategic Language speakers. If translation resources were made freely available in Strategic Languages, then translation capacity could begin to be transferred out of the English-speaking West and to the global multilingual church.

Use the map to explore the nature & viability of strategic overlaps

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Interact with overlapping Language data

This unique geolinguistic visualization allows users to explore overlapping language polygons and points, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of the connections between major (Strategic) languages and their corresponding minor languages. Interact with the map by changing the selections in the dropdown menus or by simply clicking on the language polygons themselves.

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Summarize results

View summarized counts and totals of populations and translation status, based on the selections made in the dropdown lists or by clicking directly on the language polygons.

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View confidence levels of suggested overlaps

Overlaps and confidence levels are determined for the intersection of minor languages with Strategic Languages,by using complex geo-linguistic calculations.

Export Data

Exporting language overlap data as CSV files , empowering you to explore this dataset at your own convenience